
Arjuna, the heart’s herbal hero. Arjuna is a great warrior, famous for his archery (he can shoot with either hand) and for demonstrating courage, wisdom, humility, and commitment of dharma (highest from of service). In the Bhagavadgita, Arjuna stands for all who face difficult circumstances and choices in life and question what they should do and why they must suffer.
Found in my Nectar Blend, Ayurvedic Matcha and Ayurvedic Coffee, arjuna was given this noble name because the bark of its tree promotes the same qualities as its warrior hero. “Arjuna” means “shining” or “bright” and has been valued for its pink-red bark that towers to heights up to 100 feet. This majestic tree is excellent for all matters of heart health, both physical and emotional.

It is astringent, bitter, cooling. Helpful for pitta and kapha, avoid excess use for vata imbalances. Support heart health with care please.


  • Strengthens the circulatory system

  • Rejuvenates the soft tissues

  • Maintains healthy cholesterol levels

  • Supports blood pressure values

  • Digestive, gallbladders, and liver health

  • Clears inflammation from the skin

  • Helps with grief & sadness

  • Gives courage

  • Strengthens will

  • Increases love & devotion