The word for “taste” in Sanskrit is “rasa”. There are 6 rasas and each rasa is composed of distinct elements, just as nature is composed of elements. When we understand which element corresponds to which taste, we can then learn how to balance our doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). In Ayurveda, diagnosis is based on the 3 doshas and much of the treatment is according to which of the six tastes to favor or avoid.

These 6 tastes, rasas, are digested in the following order:




  • SOUR



The rasas possess therapeutic properties and they increase or decrease the doshas. Everyone needs a certain amount of each of the six tastes and the proportion differs according to the constitution of the individual. Too much of a particular taste can be harmful, as can too little.

Discover your dominant dosha using my Ayurvedic Constitution Quiz and schedule an Ayurvedic Consultation to learn which tastes are best for your imbalances. The chart below is a wonderful resource to begin to understand how the tastes can be helpful in creating an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle plan.

Ayurvedic Taste Chart - Rasa Chart

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Ayurveda Spice Blends

Colorful spice blends to season your meals, promote proper digestion, and balance the doshas.


Ayurveda Consult

If you’re ready to take the next step towards in your Ayurvedic journey, let’s schedule a session together!