The lists below are foods that will decrease or pacify the respective dosha. Be sure to schedule an Ayurveda Nutrition Consultation with me to determine which of your doshas is out of balance. Then use the lists below to create your grocery list. Remember to buy organic and local when possible!
Vata is cool, dry, rough and light. Eating foods that have the opposite qualities can help to balance excess vata. Choose foods that are warm, moist, oily, smooth, and nourishing.
Pitta is oily, sharp, hot, and light. Eating foods that have the opposite qualities can help to balance excess pitta. Choose foods that are mild, cooling, grounding, stabilizing, and dense.
Kapha is heavy, cool, and oily. Eating foods that have the opposite qualities can help to balance excess kapha. Choose foods that are light, warm, dry, and rough.