
Cardamom is one of the most common spices seen in an Indian household. If black pepper is considered the king of spices then cardamom is considered the queen of spices; one of the most valued spice in the world. Cardamom comes from the Zingiberaceae family and has a unique strong camphor-like aroma and has a sweet yet spicy flavor.

It is one of the best and safest herbs for stimulating digestive “fire.” It also alleviates intestinal spasms and pain, stops coughing, and helps prevent asthma. It is stimulating to the mind and heart. Cardamom is tridoshic (balancing for all three doshas). Its tastes are pungent and sweet, and it is considered cooling.


  • Improves Digestion

  • Cardiovascular Health

  • Respiratory Health

  • Anti-Carcinogenic Properties

  • Breath Freshener & Oral Care

  • Mood Elevator

  • Urinary Disorders

  • Impotence