Ayurveda Nutrition Consultation
Book an in person or remote connection with Jessica. Step into a new, healthy life with a private consultation, and become equipped with the tools to maintain it.
Ayurveda Coffee, Matcha, & Herbal Blends
Delicious Ayurveda adaptogenic coffee, matcha, and non-caffeinated herbal blends appropriate for all body types.
“Jessica Quinn offers a unique door into the Ayurvedic world that makes it easy to step into.”
Jessica Quinn
Create an ongoing relationship with our Ayurvedic Nutritionist that encourages a healthy and mindful integration of an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Shirodhara Treatment
For those who live on Maui, experience an ancient Ayurveda oil treatment with Jessica.
The Maui Ayurveda Group Cleanse
9-day Maui Ayurveda Cleanse, designed to reboot your body, mind, and lifestyle in order to match the natural rhythm of nature. Every fall and spring.

Private Chef and Catering
Experience the smells, tastes, and delights of conscious Ayurvedic cooking in the comfort of your own home or during your private event.
What is Ayurveda & vata, pitta, kapha?
Ayurveda is the oldest existing healing system, originating in India. It's the sister science to yoga.